Hohosearch.com becomes another headache for PC users

Typically, viruses are active for several weeks. They are replaced by the new ones once their files are included to the data base of anti-spyware programs. However, it seems that Hohosearch.com is seeking to infect as much users as possible. After showing up several months ago, it can still hijack your system and make you use it instead of the default search engine or the start page. The first thing that we must note about hohosearch.com virus is that you can end up on infected website when using it. Technically, it is a browser hijacker that uses misleading strategy for promoting affiliate websites. Also, it can track you behind your back and cause other problems.

Surprisingly, one of our colleagues was also infected by this fake search engine several days ago. Hohosearch.com failed to leave the system until he ran a full system scan with SpyHunter. If you can also see a page displayed below on your web browser, you are hijacked. In this case, you need to follow hohosearch removal guide.


Posted in 2-spyware.com.

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